Myopia is a common vision error that results from the eye being too long. Commonly known as nearsightedness, myopia causes distant objects to look blurry, which can negatively impact your day-to-day activities.
As myopia usually shows up during childhood and adolescence, early detection and treatment is key to preventing ever-increasing prescriptions or complications down the line. Thanks to our knowledgeable doctors and state-of-the-art equipment, we can help manage myopia in people of all ages.
Did you know that there are some eye conditions that if not detected early enough could hinder your child their entire life. Uncorrected vision can cause many issues with mobility, learning, headaches and even attention span. The best way to discover if your child is having issues is with a comprehensive exam.
See Easy EyeCare is a proud participant in the InfantSee program. Book an evaluation for your 6-12 month old today!
Learn more about InfantSEE here.